Outdated wallpaper can be a pain to deal with. If wallpaper is several years old it can cause unfortunate damage to your walls. Looking for a way to rid that retched wallpaper without the headache? It is possible to paint over it! Here are some great quick tips on painting over wallpaper:
It’s all in the prep!
• Replace any damaged or ripped areas by adding an adhesive to the loose parts. This will minimize the chance of the wallpaper falling off.
• Around the perimeter of the walls, add a thin line of clear caulk, at the joint seams. This will prevent the wallpaper from peeling and falling off.
• Is your wallpaper textured with a heavy pattern? Cover with a thin coat of spackle (joint compound) to help even out the wall’s surface.
• Before painting, sand down the wallpaper seams gently to make them less noticeable.
• In order to help seal the paper away from the wetness in the paint, apply an oil-based primer to all of the walls before painting.
• When purchasing your paint make sure you buy enough for a second paint coat, for optimum results in quality of color and finish.
Now get your rollers ready and paint away!
If you don’t have to resources to do a full on wallpaper operation this is a great way to spruce up your home! Want to know more? Come on down to the Stoney Creek Furniture Inside Out Home Show on Thursday, March 20 from 5:30-9pm. Want to know what colours are trendy? Whether or not you should choose pastels or jewel tones? What about neutrals? Our friends at Bay City Paints will be on hand to discuss how Benjamin Moore Paint and imagination can transform your home.
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