Decorate Your Condo, Apartment or Smaller House with Panache!

The trend today is toward smaller living spaces. For many of us, it just makes sense! It’s more affordable, less to clean (!) and suits our active out-and-about lifestyles. Why maintain a big home, especially if you have a small family? Of course, having a smaller home doesn’t mean we want to live without luxury and function. Below are some suggestions to make your smaller home beautiful and comfortable.

Big Ideas for Small Spaces

Drapery Illusion. Don’t be limited by the window size. Extend rods and curtains beyond the window for an illusion of more open area. Even use multiple curtain layers for effect. Let the sunshine in!

Say No to Knick Knacks. You will choose better with a few statement pieces. Numerous small ornaments create a cluttered feeling. In short, don’t have too much stuff on display.

Go for Glass Tops. Glass tops on coffee, dining room and bedroom tables make the furniture “float” and appear to take up less space. Keep the trim size to a minimum.

Fresh Flowers Forever. Always, always, your best décor option. Again, don’t go fussy. Choose a single orchid or a few bold sunflowers.

Mirrors, Mirrors on the Walls. Most people know that mirrors open up a space. Think of mirrors as art. Place them where you might put a painting: over a dining room table, on a staircase, etc. One of my favourite looks is to stack two long, thin horizontal mirrors over each other.

A Case for Bookcases. Whoever said that bookcases have to touch the floor?! Mount them higher and leave floor space for something else. Bookcases can go quite close to the ceiling, drawing the eye upward. Consider creating the look of built-ins. Buy or build tall slim bookcases, paint them to match your walls and add a crown moulding on top where they meet the ceiling. This looks amazing on either side of a doorway – and bingo – lots of storage and display options!

Kitchen Cupboards. Same thinking as the bookcases! Go to the ceiling with cupboards and keep as much behind doors or hung off the countertop as you can. Tidy = big.

Keep the Floor Uncluttered. I know, easy to say! But the truth is that nothing opens up a space like visible floors. Light floors generally make a room look bigger. Have a lot to hide? Buy some really cool trunks or covered baskets. Stack them in a pleasing way. Place a chair in front of them, camouflaging the storage and bringing your chair forward in an inviting way!

Furniture in the bathroom. Yes, if you have a little space, adding a tiny shelf or a chair to the bathroom opens up storage possibilities. Gorgeous white towels look awesome stacked on a chair.

Don’t Put Your TV on a TV stand. Mount the TV on the wall and put a console with drawers on the floor. Much more storage room!

Colour is Still Your Friend. Don’t assume everything has to be white! Dark walls, especially with light floors, ceilings and window coverings, can actually make a room look dramatic and large.

Furniture Choices. Keep in mind that the width, height and depth of the furniture have to work with the proportions of the room. Nothing giant-sized, but neither do you want dainty furniture! These days, lots of manufacturers are making perfectly-scaled pieces for smaller homes, with lots of style and appeal.

Drop By. Stoney Creek Furniture offers a broad selection of furniture that is space efficient and multi-use. For example, Durham Furniture, an Ontario-based manufacturer, offers their “Perfect Balance” collection, which fits your space conscious lifestyle. It is solid wood and sized right. Drop in and see the many options!

In a smaller space, remember one motto: Make Everything Count! Have fun making your smaller home your dream home! Talk to you again soon…

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