Choosing furniture from manufacturers who place a high priority on sustainability is not only healthier for your home, it’s better for our planet. At the store, we’ve implemented sustainable day-to-day practices internally, and have also reinforced our ongoing commitment to bring you well-made products with quality materials that are sustainably sourced and manufactured.

We’ve joined the Sustainable Furnishings Council as a way to stay current with sustainable education within our industry. They connect us with possible new partners that excel in lessening their impact on our environment.

For over 50 years, our core values have included offering quality goods that will stand the test of time and not be so disposable. Our business has now reached the stage where many of our customers’ children shop with us for their homes, and their parents return because they’re downsizing into smaller living spaces. The best is when we hear stories about furniture purchased here years ago being passed down for the next generation to enjoy. The kids are more than pleased to take it because there’s still plenty of life and style in it. That makes us – and the planet – happy.
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